Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Goal Setting: Winners ALWAYS DO IT!

Write You Goals Down

Kind of a blanket statement with a lot of gray areas, but it is a plain fact. Every successful person will tell you, to some extent, that they have had a dream and that dream was realized once they obsessed about it. Earl Nightingale wrote, “The strangest secret in the world is that you become what you think about.” This is a really insightful quote, and I am living proof that it is true. I used to scoff that this ideal, like it was a lot of fluff thrown at us by the over achievers of the world, but it works. Not only have I bested every goal I set for myself, but that level of thinking has set me in better motion for achieving success in other areas of my life. My family, my job and my health have all improved due to a strict goal setting habit. Here’s what I did:

1. Set a 3 month goal, something you can conceivably accomplish. One of the biggest obstacles people face is setting unrealistic goals for themselves.

2. Write your goal down where you can see it everyday Try on your bathroom mirror, or in your car, at your desk at work. Those of you who know how, create a graphic that you can use as your desktop image on your PC. If you are like me you are on your computer all day and will see it a lot.

3. Read your goal aloud to yourself at least 3 times per day This is part of a mental awareness. This may seem corny, but it works. The biggest roadblock is your own mind.

4. Visualize your goal If your goal is to achieve a certain look – like most of us desire – then pick out a role model. Someone who looks like you want your body to look and concentrate on that everyday.

5. Take progress photos, they never lie.
Remember, you can develop a distorted self-image over time and never think you look good enough in a mirror. One tip: use a tripod and set it up so that every picture is framed the same way. Take a front view and a side view once or twice per month and compare.

These are 5 simple but effective rules that I have used in order to keep focused on success. Stick to it and you’ll succeed.

I have been overweight my whole life and now, I am overflowing with self confidence. My new goal is to stop spilling coffee on my shirt while posting on the forum!

Happy goal-setting!

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