Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 1 Day 2


Beginner "A"

Age: 37
20% BF plus or minus 3 - I am going to take a new measurement on Monday.

Front Sq.


140: 5x5 Sinking deep, feeling it more on my hamstrings and glutes than I have before. Must be the better form.

Bench: 45x10

135: 5x5

Yes, this was easy considering I have been at heavier weights. I am focusing on better bar control and lift speed.

Inverted Row:


I am thinking about doing a bent over row on weekends. It is too noisy in the early morning, don't want to wake the kids.

Push Ups:

13/10/9/5 - I know...better next time.

Sit ups:

By far my biggest need for improvement.


Tried to hit the treadmill, but I noticed some leg discomfort and decided to nix it. I ran tuesday post wo and wednesday afternoon, don't
want to overtrain.

Day three is Saturday and I am stoked to actually complete one full week staying true to fitness and nutrition goals. I fasted from Tuesday
evening until Wednesday afternoon. Was shooting for 24hr but I only made it to 16. I wanted to at least get to 16. I noticed a headache, but it went
away while I was running. Probably not drinking enough water, if that was possible :)

Will start a M/W/F routine Monday.


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