Monday, January 4, 2010

Training Log 3.0

Entry number one - quick recap. Joined Stronglifts in January of 2008

My stats were:
Age 35
5'6 1/2"
My guess on weight and BF%
Approx 22% body fat
Weight about 200lbs

Read my log, I am proud to say that it influenced some people. I needed to read it again to get it back:

By August of that year I was down to 185, lifting stronger and feeling great. My body fat was down to around the 12-14% mark. Mehdi even listed my story in his success stories blog and (Now Dailyburn) awarded me free Pro membership for life because of my story. I was loving the new me - lifting weights, running, helping others to accomplish their goals. I trained through a few slight injuries, the flu, etc. Honestly, I rarely missed a work out. When I traveled for work, I still ate clean and got in my work outs.

Then the bottom fell out! A series of circumstances - death in the family, extended traveling with a demanding schedule, lack of sleep and laziness. I used to get up at 4am, eat, lift at 5, run at 6:30 and start my day. I just couldn't do it anymore.

I have been laid off twice in two years because of this economy, and now I am a work from home dad of three. But I decided that I need to get it back again. I missed the feel of that barbell, the clanging of the plates, the sore feeling first out of bed, and the euphoria after a run. So I started this new log - and will keep it up.

I am also going to start looking over other logs again. The motivation I got from this forum kept me going when times were tough.

So here are my goals: (Mainly fitness and body comp oriented. Achieving these goals will allow me to progress to weight lifting goals)

1. Stay on a strict - clean eating, weight lifting and cardio regimen for ALL of 2010! I will still use the Eat Stop Eat method because it works. This means working out 3x week and running 4-5x week. (I am also trying for a law enforcement job, so I need to raise the bar as I am only one month from 37 year old!) I will take 2 weeks off every 12 weeks.

2. Be physically fit enough to pass the Monroe County Sheriff's fitness test by 16 February 2010.

2. Achieve 14% body fat by 1 March 2010.

3. Squat 1.5x my body weight by 1 August 2010.

4. Achieve 10% Body Fat by 1 December 2010

So let's do this!


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