Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Challenge: Week 3 Day 2

Oh Boy! I got home late from Volleyball last night AND the guys bought me 2 drinks (Bacardi and coke, though one was a diet). I was not happy about that. You know how it can be. So I was tired this morning and wimped out on my hip exercises.

Bench Press: 45x5 135x5

165: 5/5/5/5/5


145: 5/5/5/5/5

No Dips! I was so damn tired because of not enough sleep. I will have to make this up during the rest of the week. I am angry at myself, but even with a good breakfast, I still lacked the energy for the +30lbs dips.

Sorry Scott, I let you down. (It is odd typing to myself!)

On an up note, my diet seems to be working OK. I am getting around 3200 calories with my macros at around 40/30/30, give or take.

I am at odds with a lot of people who believe in a calorie deficit. I do too, but I think it should be gained through exercise and not under eating.

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