Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Week 6 Day 1

4/14/08 8:00pm
Don't like working out at the end of the day.

Re-did the same weight from Friday (the day I was FIRED!)
My life is a mess right now - cannot accept a great job because of three kids in daycare. Can't make the numbers work.Looks like I will be home with the kids. There goes my great exercise schedule - right out of the window!

Squats: 45x5 / 95x3 / 135x3
165 - 5x5

Bench: 45x5 / 95x3 / 135x3

160 - 5/5/5/5/4 (Total stall on 5 of 5 - had to drop on safety - I only got my right side back up on the hook. I will try this weight one more time then I will deload if I cannot.


105 - 5x5

Dips (+15)

Post WO was a double whey shake, but half milk/half water.

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