Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week 10! Day 1


Age 35
17.5% BF - New Reading tomorrow

My goal of 185lbs set for November 7th is 3 lbs away, we shall see where I am with the body fat %.

Workout B

Front Squats:

Less of a pyramid today - 45x3 / 95x5 / 135x2 / 145x2 / 155x2

160: 5/5/5/5/5

Sweet love of God that rocked!

OHP: 45x5 / 95x2

105: 5/5/5/5/5

PR!!!!!!! Never thought I would ever bust that stall baby. Up yours 105!

Rack Pulls:

265: 1x5

Grip is getting to be a challenge.



Was getting tired.

Cardio - 30 minutes directly after lifting

Post Lifting Broccoli berry smoothie, yum.

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