Monday, August 4, 2008

Bad ass Week 4 Day 1 (Sunday)

August 3, 2008

This was a day of intense yard work. We trimmed our big maple and oak trees. We've gotten a good deal of fire wood collected for this winter, though it will only last a month, if that.

My diet on Sunday was clean (except for the alcohol and white enriched hot dog buns).

Anyway - I was able to squat down, ass to grass and pick up the logs, driving up from the heels. I have never been so excited to pick up wood before! My wife noticed it and even she made a comment. Thanks Mehdi, your hip mobility exercises have made vast improvements in my overall flexibility. I will be happy to get back to squats tomorrow.

We went to the beach for a volleyball tournament that my company is a sponsor of. I drank beer, rum and coke and ate 2 cheese burgers and a hot dog. Only one bun. Oh, plus a bag of chips. Overall, with my job my weekends are difficult to keep clean, but I think on average I am only messing up 2-3 meals, so I am still within a good clean eating percentage.

After the beach I went on a short hike exploring some trails near my house. I think this will be my post training cardio once per week, with HIIT keeping up the rear once per week as well.

We shall see, but it is all looking good so far!

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