Thursday, August 7, 2008

BadAss Week 4 Day 3

Workout B
Age 35
19-21% BF ?

Front Squats: 45x3 / 95x8

100: 5/5/5/5/5

Felt good to reach parallel. I have to work on my grip, I wimped out and used that cross grip because I cannot get my hands/elbows right.


95: 5/5/5/5/5

Got better form on these, I can grip it almost right and it actually felt like an easier lift. I only got 4 on my last rep the last time I did these, so it was great to complete a full set. WIsh me luck on 100, which is my stall weight.

Rack Pulls:

225: 1x5

Is it OK that the bar is about 1.5 inches above my knees? I have no lower pin.



I couldn't do 1 when I started!

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