Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sweet Week 5 Day 2

Age 35
19.2% BF

158lbs LBM

Workout B - 5:00AM

Front Squats: 45x3/65x5/95x2

110: 5/5/5/5/5

OHP: 45x5/65x2/95x2

100: 5/5/4/2/0

That sucked, I must have been tired, though I got enough sleep. Perhaps it is because I only had a whey shake and needed more energy. I cannot get up at 3:30 so that I can eat 1-1 1/2 hours before lifting! Even an hour is too much.

Rack Pulls:

230: 1x5

Chin ups: 5/5/3

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