Monday, December 29, 2008
Year's End Day 3
12% BF
Workout A
Front Squats: 95x5 / 135x2 / 150x1
155: 5/5/5/5/5
Bench Press: 45x10/ 135x2 / 155x1
165: 5/5/5/5/5
Inverted Rows:
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Year's End Day 2
12% BF
Age 35
Front Squat: 95x5 / 135x2
145: 5/5/5/5/5
OHP: 45x5 / 95x2
110: 5/5/4/5/3
Rack Pulls:
250: 1x5
Rev. Crunches:
Goals in '09: "Baby Steps"
How many times have you been given a task with a long deadline and then ended up waiting until the last possible moment to do it? I did that all of the time until I finally sat down and wrote out my goals. I decided to go for it in 10 pound increments, and I found it was much easier to do. The next thing I knew, I was halfway to my goals in less time than I thought. I doubled my weight loss goals in the time I originally set. My results were due to hard work and strict discipline, but anything is possible if you keep it realistic. I have seen many friends and family members go full-boar towards a goal as lofty as losing 50 pounds during the year. The first 3 or 4 weeks they really try hard, but when they see that they still have so many pounds to go and they really haven't made a dent they lose confidence and motivation. This is why if you set those goals in smaller increments you'll feel great when you reach one and you will be excited to give the next one a go. Baby steps are the best approach. My favorite quote about this subject:
“He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche
Best of luck and stay strong.
Scott Fitz
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Year's End Day 1
Beginner A
Age 35
12% BF
Front Squats: 95x5
135: 5/3/5/5/5
Bench Press: 45x10 / 135x5
155: 5/5/5/5/5
Inverted Rows:
Rev. Crunches:
Post Workout Smoothie
Felt really good, really good!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Week 14 Day 1
12% body fat
Age 35
Workout B
Front Squats: 95x5/135x5/155x2/
160: 5/5/5/5/5
OHP: 45x5 / 95x3
110: 4/4/4/4/4
Rack Pulls:
240: 1x5
Chins: 6/5/3
Post workout smoothy. We're having pizza for dinner and tomorrow all bets are off!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Too Busy to Exercise? Try this!
The Dilemma.
My job has me at different sports venues nearly every weekend. Ice rinks, basketball courts, college gymnasiums and the like. As a matter of habit, I always have my "feed bag" with me to avoid consuming the venue food, and we all know how wonderful that stuff is. Anyone living a healthy lifestyle long enough has gotten into this habit. That being accomplished, I still have not yet mastered the art of fitting in a decent workout during these weekends. Sometimes the preparation for these jobs forces me to miss a possible Thursday or Friday workout too. These are usually accompanied by a long Sunday evening drive so Monday's workout is next to physically impossible. So usually I am freaking out imagining that I will wake up on Tuesday and somehow weigh 215lbs again! Fine, we have established that I am not right in the head, not news to me! But how do I get a week's worth of working out in just two days with adequate rest periods? Actually I can't, pure and simple. I risk injuring myself if I just power through the two days lifting on both days. Bad Idea!
My Solution.
Most people can find a way to accomplish this simple routine. It doesn't take much time and only draws a minimal amount of attention to you. But since you've gotten serious about your health, you stopped caring what people think anyway, right? This solution is specific to my own situation, but there are ways for it to work almost anywhere with nearly anyone.
Three strength exercises that go back to the basics, but are very effective: Push-ups, pull-ups and chin-ups. I managed to get in under the bleachers at the arena I was working at this past weekend. I did 5 sets of pull ups, 5 sets of chin-ups and three sets of push ups. I combined the push ups with a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) formula that got my blood pumping and really felt great. It was a good enough workout that I was sore the next morning. If you cannot find anything to pull up from, the push ups can be just enough. You could even find a table and do some inverted rows underneath it, but that may be a bit risky. You don't even need a really tall area, cross your legs and bend at the knees. You could do pull-ups from a bar that when standing is only waist high. Just remember good form and don't cheat. For the pulls and chins, do 3-5 per set until failure. With your push-ups, do 20 as fast as you can while still maintaining good form. Rest for 30-45 seconds and repeat until failure. Trust me it won't take long to reach failure.
You may not have bleachers where you are, but you'd be surprised what you may find that is just right for some body-weight exercises. You could go a step further and keep a pull-up bar in your car. They have them with a twist extension so that you can fit it easily in a doorway with only a few turns, do your thing and then take it down before security sees you. But the point is try and get past those excuses, even if they are truly legitimate.
So that is my little blurb of advice. This will work in Hotel rooms and the office. Start out with some hip mobility stretches and perhaps some body-weight squats, or add that to your routine if you are in a hotel with no gym (which I seem to always stay at!)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Scott - Healthy
For more information on this and other subjects, visit one of the greatest resources on the inter-webs: Stronglifts
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Healthy Strong Week 13 Day 2
11.7-13.7% BF
Workout A:
Front Squat: 95x5 / 135x5 / 155x1
160: 5/5/5/4/0
I have been running a lot, it is catching up with my legs. Stopped early so to not overtrain.
Bench: 45x10 / 135x3
170: 4/3
160: 5
155: 4
Tired today - Think I will not pass this until I begin a calorie surplus.
Inverted Rows: Body weight
+35lbs: 7/7/4
Not great, but I was tired and I still lifted, so that's good.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Goal Setting: Winners ALWAYS DO IT!
Write You Goals Down
Kind of a blanket statement with a lot of gray areas, but it is a plain fact. Every successful person will tell you, to some extent, that they have had a dream and that dream was realized once they obsessed about it. Earl Nightingale wrote, “The strangest secret in the world is that you become what you think about.” This is a really insightful quote, and I am living proof that it is true. I used to scoff that this ideal, like it was a lot of fluff thrown at us by the over achievers of the world, but it works. Not only have I bested every goal I set for myself, but that level of thinking has set me in better motion for achieving success in other areas of my life. My family, my job and my health have all improved due to a strict goal setting habit. Here’s what I did:
1. Set a 3 month goal, something you can conceivably accomplish. One of the biggest obstacles people face is setting unrealistic goals for themselves.
2. Write your goal down where you can see it everyday Try on your bathroom mirror, or in your car, at your desk at work. Those of you who know how, create a graphic that you can use as your desktop image on your PC. If you are like me you are on your computer all day and will see it a lot.
3. Read your goal aloud to yourself at least 3 times per day This is part of a mental awareness. This may seem corny, but it works. The biggest roadblock is your own mind.
4. Visualize your goal If your goal is to achieve a certain look – like most of us desire – then pick out a role model. Someone who looks like you want your body to look and concentrate on that everyday.
5. Take progress photos, they never lie.
Remember, you can develop a distorted self-image over time and never think you look good enough in a mirror. One tip: use a tripod and set it up so that every picture is framed the same way. Take a front view and a side view once or twice per month and compare.
These are 5 simple but effective rules that I have used in order to keep focused on success. Stick to it and you’ll succeed.
I have been overweight my whole life and now, I am overflowing with self confidence. My new goal is to stop spilling coffee on my shirt while posting on the forum!
Happy goal-setting!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Healthy Strong Week 13 Day 1
182 lbs
11.7% - 13.7% BF
Workout B
Front Squat: 95x5 / 135x5
155: 5/5/5/5/5
OHP: 45x5 / 95x5
110: 3/3/3/3/3
Rack Pulls:
235: 1x5
Pulls: (bodyweight)
Post whey shake and cottage cheese.
Scottymouth featured on Stronglifts!
When I found I was tight 38" waist and was pushing
220lbs/100kg with an estimated 25% body fat. I was sick and tired
of being that way and wanted to get thin quick. Using your advice I
started the StrongLifts Dumbbell 5x5. At 35, I wanted to be able to
keep up with my kids and not be an "old and fat" Dad.
Since then I have lost my job, then got a new one. I have 3 small
children whose daycare situation is always changing. Not to mention
getting sick and things of that nature. I have a wife who is a
beautiful skeptic and tight with our money. My schedule does
everything in "its" power to stop me from achieving my goals. I
have 2 herniated discs in my lower back, which I re-injured in May
using poor form on Deadlifts.
From February to March I was keeping track of my nutrition, but not
paying much mind to anything but protein. I was running 3x week and
lifting dumbbells 3x week.
I managed to get a sizable tax refund and convinced my wife to buy
a bench with Squat Rack and 300lb/135kg Olympic Barbell set.
I went full boar on the StrongLifts 5x5 program, but was too lazy
to work on form. I found out that my Squats were not low enough.
Then I hurt my back. I was feeling sorry for myself and making
I woke up one day and read all of your posts again and got myself
motivated. I took 1 month and worked on my hip flexibility. In 2
weeks I was reaching parallel and in 3 weeks was Squatting ass to
My back still didn't like the Back Squats so I switched to Front
Squats and Rack Pulls. Since I began lifting and progressive
loading, I have deloaded 4 times. Mainly due to going back and
working on form and flexibility.
Then I read Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.
(NOTE: for more info about this product, click here: )
I started to experiment with different calorie goals, macronutrient
ratios and cardio. At this point my stats were:
Age 35
196.6 lbs/89kg
19.5% body Fat
I was squatting 210lbs/95kg before I deloaded to work on my hips.
My last deadlift was 210lbs/95kg, when I hurt myself. This was
August 1st 2008. I set a 90 day goal and made it my desktop on my
laptop so I would see it everyday.
It read: "November 7, 2008 - 14% 185lbs and a quote: The strangest
secret in the world is that you become what you think about - Earl
I started a 40-40-20 ratio and a zig zag calorie intake regimen.
20% of my maintenance for 3 days and 5% over maintenance for 3
days. I was doing cardio 5-6 days per week and lifting 3x week. I
got serious and watched the fat drop while maintaining LBM. In 1
month I achieved my 3 month goals.
11.5% BF
My body was waiting to get into shape, and when I found the right
formula, it let me - even helped!
I have been so strict about my diet and my results were so obvious,
that I started to research even more. My friends and family started
to ask me questions. I started to post my opinions on the forum to help others who were in my same situation.
It has been amazing.
I have my "feed bag" everywhere I go and I am ALWAYS exercising my
When I have to travel I make the arrangements beforehand if I can
and exercise on the cheap in hotel gyms and if there is not one, I
do my own version of HIIT with Push-ups.
My goals are not yet achieved. But I am close. Once I achieve my
fat loss goal, I will then set new strength goals and go for them.
Had it not been for Mehdi and, I WOULD NOT be doing
so well. My discipline in nutrition and physical fitness has
factored into every part of my life, and I am a better Human Being
for it.
Thanks - I owe you my life.
- Scottymouth
Great stuff. Several things here I'd like to emphasize.
* Scottymouth failed first before he "got" it. Failure will often
precede success. Some people give up when they fail, other stick
through. Scottymouth sticked with it, found the solution, and then
made progress fast.
* Weight lifting is the safest sport when looking at the rate of
injury. However if you use bad technique, you drastically increase
the risk of injury. Adding weight too fast, too soon, is common.
Injuries are often the only way to make you understand that this
isn't the right approach. As Napoleon Hill said "Failure is life's
best teacher".
* Scottymouth wrote he lost 8% body fat and 12,2lbs/6kg body fat in
1 month. This is about 3lbs/1.5kg per week. It's a lot, he might
have lost some muscle too (good way to know: strength loss usually
means muscle loss) which is possible since he was doing cardio
5-6x/week. Maybe he lost the fat in 1month and a half, not 1 month.
This would be 2lbs per week which is more realistic.
* And at last: Scottymouth has a wife, 3 kids, lost his job, had to
buy a squat rack, injured himself, failed, etc. But he didn't made
excuses, he went for it anyway. And he deserves the results he got
for this reason.
Again: great stuff.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
New World Order Day 3 (Week 12)
11.7-13% Body Fat
Workout A:
Front Squat: 95x5 / 135x5
150: 5/5/5/5/5
Bench: 45x10 / 135x5
170: 4/4/4/4/3
That last rep always screws me!
Inverted Rows:
5x5 - I think I may switch to these, I like them much better and I can add weight once my form is perfected.
+35lbs: 5/5/5/5/5
Post WO Broccoli-Berry smoothie - this time it was 1/2 blueberry 1/2 strawberry with 1/2 the quick oats.
Kelly and I celebrate 6 years of marriage this weekend and the kids are getting ready to go over to my mother-in-law's. They call her Mimi.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
10 Nutrition Rules from Stronglifts
Originally posted by Mehdi on, this is not my work, but I want you to read it.’s 10 Nutrition Rules for Building Muscle, Losing Fat & Getting Stronger
Image credit: vladounet
More strength is more muscle. More muscle is more calories burned, meaning a lower body fat. Strength training will make you build muscle and lose fat. But nutrition is also important.
- Strength & Energy. You need energy – calories from food – for weight lifting and for daily activities.
- Muscle Mass. Protein is necessary to build muscle & for muscle recovery. Nutrition can also minimize muscle breakdown.
- Body Fat. Fat is emergency storage. Your body holds on to fat when you don’t eat enough calories or don’t eat enough fat.
- Health. Testosterone levels, hydration, vitamins, minerals, fiber, … Your nutritional choices reflect your health.
The next 10 nutrition rules will take care of the above.
1. Eat Breakfast. Sleeping gets you in a catabolic state. Eating breakfast stops the muscle breakdown. Eating breakfast also helps fat loss by increasing the amount of calories you burn at rest.
Some breakfast recipes: scrambled eggs with veggies, oats & bananas, protein shakes, smoothies, etc. If you have problems eating breakfast, read the article on how to build the habit of eating breakfast.
2. Eat Pre & Post Workout. Pre workout so you feel full of energy at the gym. Post workout for muscle recovery & to replenish your energy levels.
- Pre Workout. 1 hour before working out. Proteins, carbs, some fat. Meat, rice, veggies for example.
- Post Workout. Directly after working out. Post workout shake of whey & oats. Or whole meal of proteins, carbs & some fats.
You burn more calories post workout so if you want to eat junk food best timing is post exercise (check rule #10).
3. Eat Every 3 Hours. Boosts your metabolism. Prevents cravings by keeping you filled with healthy foods. Provides you with the calories you need for energy and to gain weight. Example meal plan:
- 7am. Eggs with veggies — more breakfast recipes.
- 10am. Quark cheese with fruit.
- 1pm. Tuna, brown rice & pineapple.
- 4pm. Mackerel, brown rice & apple.
- 5pm. Workout.
- 6pm. Post workout protein shake.
- 7pm. Meat or poultry with potatoes & veggies.
- 10pm. Cottage cheese, berries, flax seeds & fish oil.
4. Eat 1g Protein per Pound of Body-weight Daily. You need protein to build muscle & for muscle recovery. Protein also boosts your metabolism: your body burns 25kcal per 100kcal protein ingested, which is more than for carbs or fats.
Get 1g protein per pound of body-weight. That’s 2.2g protein per kilogram of body-weight. Sources of protein:
- Red Meat. Beef, pork, lamb, deer, buffalo, etc.
- Poultry. Chicken, turkey, duck, etc.
- Fish. Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc.
- Eggs. Eat the yolk, it’s full of vitamins.
- Dairy. Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, quark, yogurt, etc.
- Whey. Not necessary but great for easy post workout shakes.
If you weigh 150lbs/68kg, 1 can of tuna at lunch, 300g cottage cheese as snack, 300g meat at dinner and 500ml milk through the day gets you 150g protein. Check also these protein sources for vegetarians & vegans.
5. Eat Fats. Your body holds on to fat if you don’t eat fats. Healthy fats improve your health, satiate and are a cheap way to get your daily calories. Get about 30% fat from your diet. Balance your fat intake.
- Saturated Fats. Increase testosterone levels. Dietary cholesterol is not bound to blood cholesterol. Butter, whole eggs, red meat.
- Monounsaturated Fats. Protect against heart diseases and cancers. Olive oil, olives, mixed nuts.
- Polyunsaturated Fats. Increase testosterone levels, promote fat loss, decrease inflammation, … Fish oil, flax seeds, mixed nuts.
- Unhealthy Fats. Avoid margarine’s, artificial trans fats or vegetable oils like corn oil and sunflower oil.
6. Eat Whole Foods. Processed foods contain added sugar, trans fats, nitrates, corn syrup, sodium and more chemicals. Processed foods increase your body fat and are bad for your health. Eat whole foods.
- Whole Foods. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, veggies, legumes, fruits, rice, oats, quinoa, …
- Processed Foods. Bagels, pizza, cookies, cakes, chips, fruit bars, cereals, hot dogs, bologna, sausages, fish sticks, frozen dinners, …
Breads, fruit juice, yogurts and many more are considered healthy but contain sugars, corn syrup, etc. Frozen veggies are processed but don’t have additives. Avoid what comes out of a box, cook everything yourself & read the labels.
7. Eat Body-weight in lbs x 18kcal Daily. Fat is emergency storage for your body. If you don’t eat enough calories, your body holds fat & burns muscle. You need muscle to increase your metabolism. And you need food for energy.
Eat your body-weight in lbs x 18 kcal daily. BW x 16 if you need to lose fat. BW x 20 if you need to gain weight. Don’t worry, you’re eating healthy foods, not junk food, makes a difference. And you workout, you burn more calories.
8. Eat Veggies and/or Fruits with Every Meal. Necessary for vitamins, fiber, minerals, … Green veggies have zero calories, which helps fat/weight loss. Some Super Foods are spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, berries, apples & tomatoes.
- Keep it Simple. Raw veggies work fine. Chopped chicory with rice. Raw carrots as snacks. Tuna salads.
- Learn to Cook. Check for recipes online. Learn to use spices. Practice, you’ll learn to make veggies taste good.
- Mind over Matter. You’re not a child anymore. Eat your veggies, you need them. Worst case make smoothies.
9. Drink 1 Gallon Water per Day. Strength training causes water loss through sweating. Hydration is important for muscle recovery. It also prevents water retention: your body holds on water if it doesn’t get enough.
Drink 1 US gallon water daily, that’s 4 liter. 2 glasses of water with every meal brings you close to 1 gallon. Drink the rest during your workout. Green tea is also good, but watch out with the caffeine content.
10. Aim for 90% Perfection. 6 meals per day is 42 meals per week. Eat 4 junk meals per week. Same rule for beverages: 90% of the time water, 10% of the time alcohol and soda. This gives you variation & helps fat loss.
What always worked for me is eating the same thing from Monday to Saturday. Friday/Saturday alcohol (social, not to get drunk). Saturday evening dinner out. Sunday afternoon junk food.
When you’ve applied the above 10 rules for at least 6 months, then you can try the Anabolic Diet, the Ultimate Diet, Intermittent Fasting, etc. But first learn the basics – apply these 10 nutrition rules.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
New World Order Day 2 (Wk12)
181.6 lbs
11.7 - 13.7% BF (Accumeasure has some wiggle room)
Workout B
Front Squat: 95x5 / 135x5
145: 5/5/5/5/5
OHP: 45x5 / 95x5
105: 5/5/4/4/3
Man, when you take a break from this it really does a job on you!
Rack Pulls:
230: 1x5
Chins: body weight
Finished up my day with two eggs over medium, slice of flax and fiber toast, cup of broccoli, whey skim shake!
On this day, Wednesday, I've managed to run every day so far, lift Monday and tonight, Friday is next, two more days of running.
I am so Hungry!!!!
I hear people cry this all the time, my answer: "Then Eat!" The vast majority of people don't eat enough. Flat out, if your average Joe the Plumber guy (licensed and insured) were to log every calorie he has eaten in any given day I would bet my monkey wrench that he would find out that he ate about 1/3 to 1/2 of his needed calories. This may or may not be true in many cases depending on that persons dietary habits. Lets say for example that 'say it ain't so' Joe has a large Starbuck's coffee for his "breakfast", eats a typical fast food value meal for lunch and for dinner has a nice helping of his wife's famous Spaghetti with meat sauce. For our purposes here I will use an order of Pizza Huts spaghetti with meat sauce entree.
Coffee: Starbucks Caramel Macchiato with whole milk - Venti (20oz). This one was my favorite in my old life.
Calories: 380
Lunch: Joe likes his chicken sandwich, biggie fries and medium frosty from Wendy's.
Calories: 1,066
Dinner: Spaghetti with meat sauce
Calories: 600
Total: 2,046 calories.
This would be perfect if our handsome Joe weighed about 113lbs. Considering the average weight for an adult male these days is approximately 185-195lbs, I think Joe is a little light. Using the formula of 18 calories per pound you weigh to calculate your approximate maintenance level of calories, Joe should be consuming about 3,330 calories just to keep his manly plumber's physique. Depending on how tall and muscular he is - he may or may not fit the "plumber butt" stereotype.
Now, my formula was simple. Getting into the science of it is more involved and better to use if you are serious about getting a grasp on how the body works when it comes to its use and storage of energy.
I will admit, Joe's diet is less than healthy, even with the chicken. But in many cases with proper exercise and weight training, Joe could eat that way every day and look great. I am not sure how the rest of his health would fare and I am sure his body fat percentages may not be ideal, but when you are trying to lose or gain weight, there is only one thing to look at...first anyway...and that is calories in vs. calories out.
So, now let's imagine Joe was on a diet and instead of the food above, he chose to have black coffee, A healthy salad for lunch, and for dinner a small piece of chicken with rice and veggies.
Coffee (20 z) - 18 Calories
Healthy Salad - maybe 100 calories depending on how healthy.
Chicken dinner: 330 calories.
Total: 448 calories!
I eat that in a single meal! No wonder this person is hungry!
Let's go one step furthur and add the idea that your body will slow its metabolism down in order to compensate for the lack of energy on hand, IE: calories. First of all, it is going to try and store as much of that energy dense fat it can. At 9 calories per gram of fat, you body won't burn any fat you consume because it is too valuable a resource. It would rather burn the carbs and protein that you eat, then after that your lean mass, better known as muscle and vital organs. We are getting into the nitty gritty, but the more you starve yourself, the slower you metabolism gets, which means the lower your maintenance gets.
Let's now introduce the fact that 3500 calories= 1 lb of fat. This is AFTER your maintenance and whatever you burn walking, breathing, etc. If you maintenance is so low, it would not take much for you to go way over this level, once in a while. Add this up over time, and you can easily starve yourself fat. Not to mention, with your body storing fat and burning it's lean mass (muscle) your ratio of body fat to lean mass goes way up, increasing your body fat percentage and effectively decreasing your overall health. This leads to many illnesses, hypertension and high cholesterol being only two.
So that is me on the soap box for now. But when you see your friends and neighbors starving themselves, sit down together over a protein shake or lean turkey burger and open their eyes to how much they can really eat. They may thankyou and pay for the meal!
Later - Scott
Monday, November 10, 2008
New World Order Day 1 (Week 12)
11.7% BF
Workout A
Front Squats:
95x5 / 115x5 / 125x2
140: 5/5/5/5/5
45x10 / 135x5
170: 3/3/3/3/3
145: 5/5/5/5/5
Dips +35:
3/3/3/3/3 - Just getting back and I didn't want to overdo it.
Amazing first day back. I decided to lift at night, today was a big score. I am happy that tonight I flexed in front of a mirror and saw my ribs for the first time since I was 10. The abs are soon to follow.
I ran for 30 minutes this morning. Will do that everyday this week in addition to my lifting at night. I plan on being at 177 next Monday.
When I started this adventure, I didn't have the luxury of a partner to share in the motivation. There was no one to help me with my nutrition goals, my fitness goals, nothing. Not that my wife wasn't supportive, she was, just not the kind of support one needs when changing a lifestyle. So I raise my whey skim shake in honor of a couple, whom I am grateful to mentor (as much as I can) in this new direction of healthy living!
I invite Jimmy and Tammy to post here, as authors, so this forum may grow.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day Lifting and Progress
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Week 12 Day 3
Unfortunately they only have machines and a smith. So I did my squats and bench presses in the smith and I used a funky curl bar for rows and a proper roman chair for the dips - that was interesting. I have been using two chairs to dip in the middle of.
Age 35
11.7% BF
Workout A
Front Squats: 45x2 / 95x5 / 115x5 / 135x5
145: 5/5/5/5/5
Much easier than the real deal, I see why we should stay away from these.
Bench Press: 45x10 / 135x5
160: 5/5/5/5/5
155: 5/5/5/5/5
Overall it was a good experience. I got to workout, and I would not have been able to otherwise. So big score on my part. The other part that was cool was it was my first time in a gym, with other people around. There were some young kids and I could see that they were a bit taken aback by my squats. Then when I did rows I got a lot of respectful nods.
There was a young woman in the gym doing weighted split squats. She was attractive. But more to the point she had a training log, as did I. I thought it was cool because there were a bunch of kids in there doing dumbbell curls and whatnot, but the two elders were doing squats and other compound exercises and keeping a log. I felt good. Plus it was the first time I saw myself in the mirror during a workout. During my rests, I would catch a glimpse of myself, and for the first time I actually think I look good. My wife has admitted to being more attracted to me than ever before, or at least since we first got together. She proved that to me last night - I am still smiling!
My diet has strayed from the strict code, I have been a little heavy on the carbs and diet colas. My stats are staying in range, but mentally I am not happy about it. I think I am just going through a phase. It has been a real challenge keeping my schedule straight. Since the Nanny started, I have actually had less time to get the job done than before. Plus I am out of town nearly every weekend, which makes my diet hard to keep up and my sleeping is out of whack. We often come home super late on Sunday. This means I missed my Sunday WO, monday I am too tired, Tuesday I work out, but I have to get up at 4am. Thursday is hit or miss because it is impossible for me to get to bed by 9 on Wednesday night. Anyway - I'll get through it, it is just going to take some dedication like before. I have to make it known that my workouts are non-negotiable. For example the other day Kelly was on me about getting home at a certain time, and I pretty much stated that I would be home after I ran and that I WAS NOT missing my run. When I make it that plain, there is no room for argument.
Enough of my rambling.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Week 12 Day 2
Age 35
11.7% BF
Workout B
Front Squat: 95x5 / 115x5 / 125x5
140: 5/5/5/5/5
OHP: 45x5 / 95x3
105: 5/3/3/3/3
Rack Pulls:
215: 1x5
Chin ups: 5/5/5
Post berry-broccoli smoothie
Will run after work.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Week 12 Day 1
Workout A
age 35
11.7% BF
Front Squats: 95x5/ 115x5 /
135: 5/5/5/5/5
Bench: 45x10 / 135x5
155: 5/5/5/5/4
135: 5/5/5/5/5
Dips: (BW)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Once you start the fat burning....
I went down to 184.6 and 11.5%!!!
I will still say that the Accu-measure single pinch reading is not entirely accurate, but nonetheless it shows progress. I doubt I am truly only 2% points away from single digits, simply because I still have little love handles and a ponch - but wow, it makes a big difference.
I need to buy new clothes because my pants don't fit anymore. NONE OF THEM!!!!
I went down from almost a 40" waist to a comfortable 34"!!!
I hope to get down to a 32" and 170lbs before I start to eat to gain lean mass.
My 30 day goal right now is 175lbs, body fat can stay.
Since we took the kids out of daycare and got a nanny, my schedule is all out of whack. I still have not been able to get a handle on it. I am also out of town every weekend in October, so that is adding some variables that I cannot control. But I am trying:
I eat a good breakfast before the shoots and I manage to get in a swim or a treadmill run if we are at a hotel that has these things.
I do a HIIT version of push ups before dinner and I try and make sure we avoid the crap restaurants, although I did splurge and have a few rum & diet cokes with my bloomin onion. Sometimes fried crap tastes good. But I still opted for the 6 oz steak with broccoli and a salad, no fries or potatoes.
Keeping my values in tact while still sampling life can go a long way without taking those awful steps back.
Shaun wet his bed last night, so getting up at 4 to workout was not an option after having to get up at midnight to take care of that.
Well - more later, thanks for your support. It is off to Albany for more cheer leading...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Week 11 Redux Day 1
Week 11 Redux
Age 35
Need to take a new reading for BF%
Front Squats:
95x5 / 115x5 / 125x5 / 135x5 / 140x3
45x5 / 65x5 / 95x3
105: 5/3/3/3/
Rack Pulls:
205: 1x5
Cardio was only 15 minutes. Guess I will have to work back up to the 35 minutes.
Post WO meal was the dearly missed broccoli berry smoothie, with a Tbsp of peanut butter, yum!
Friday, September 26, 2008
No comeback Week 11
1: I still had that pain in my neck and shoulder - stopped my squat progress.
2. Work schedule and other personal things like a cold got in the way of running and lifting
3. Diet is OK - lost track of things but stayed within guidelines.
Decided I need a break from lifting, but will continue my strict diet and cardio everyday.
Feeling fatter each day I don't exercise.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Come Back Week 11 Day 2
Age 35
13.7% BF
Workout A
Fr Squats: 25lbs weight body weight squats - x5 / 135x3 / 155x3
175 x 3 / 170 x1 / 165x 2
Scrapped - pain was getting worse.
Bench: 45x10 / 135x3
170: 5/5/5/5/4.25
Bugger - that bitch won't let me push 170 5x5!!!!
165: 5/5/5/2/2
Bodyweight - fast with 30 seconds rest between sets:
No cardio today - schedule is all F'ed up.
Post WO Broc-Berry Smoothie!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Come Back Week 11 Day 1
15.2% BF
Age 35
Workout B
Front Squats:
165: 5/5/5/5/5
OHP: 45x5 / 95x2
110: 3/3/3/3/3
95: 1x5
Rack Pulls:
270: 1x5
Chinups: 6/6/4
Post Cardio: 30 min run
Traditional post WO Broccoli Berry Smoothie.
Grabbing my wife's butt: priceless.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Week 10! Day 3 - Or Lack Thereof...
Wednesday was OK - though we had a staff meeting with breakfast pizza. I factored this into my diet so that I could partake in that culinary trainwreck that tastes so nice. Then, I get home and Kelly wants a plate. For those of you who are no familiar, this is called a garbage or trash plate, popular in this part of the country. It is a burger, home fries and beans (or mac salad) with a beef hot sauce. Well, I had a few tater tots (we were out of home fries proper) and some baked beans with my chicken breast. I managed to run for 30 minutes, so all in all the day was OK, my ratios were off, but my calories worked and I was OK.
We just had to drastically change our kids' daycare situations, now we have a hot young chick coming to the house everyday, darn :). But seriously - the baby was hurt at her daycare so we pulled her (it wasn't handled properly and this was a long time coming). Long and short, Kelly took the rest of the week off to deal with this - this makes my schedule all crappy. I couldn't get to sleep early enough wednesday night, so I couldn't get up at 4on my lifting day (Thurs). This through me off. Couldn't run at night either - Kelly was complaining about me having to run everyday. What I did, actually - was try to work out, but I had a pain in my neck and shoulder when I went down on my squats. I figured I would rest another day. That was that, there will be no day 3 for week 10.
Also, I didn't prepare any food in advance, so Friday came and I had nothing. I had an early shoot which lasted until 2, so I had to eat the food they provided on location - chicken salad wraps. I had 1 1/2, THEN, I couldn't eat for a long while and Kelly can never decide, so I made chicken. By the time I ate, I had 2 glasses of wine and two beers. I ate chicken and tater tots (kelly is a tot-junky) and then went crazy on a piece of cake from my mother-in-laws birthday and 5 organic vanilla cream cookies with milk!
I pigged out!!!! I was the old Scott, back in the flesh! I figured it all out and must have consumed over 4000 calories yesterday!!!!
This was supposed to be one of my 2240 cal days on my zig zag method. I won't even bother to go over my macronutrients.
I have this really bad problem in my psyche, I think that if I have one or two "bad" days I will wake up and be 215lbs again. It really bothers me and I get so frustrated when I cannot just DO what I need to do. When you have three small kids it is so hard to make up the time when you deviate from your schedule.
Next week will be better - as long as I can stop this trend and hunker down and do it right. As punishment, I am not taking a break until after week 13.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Week 10! Day 2
Age 35
15.2% BF !
Workout A
Front Squats: 45x3 / 95x5 / 135x2 / 145x2 / 155x2
165: 3/3/3/3/3
Bench Press:
45x10 / 135x3 / 155x2
170: 5/5/5/5/4.5!
Couldn't get it up on the last try - good thing I don't have that problem in the bedroom! Hey-o!
165: 4/4/4/4/4
+37.5: 10/5/5
Hit 6 sets of HIIT directly afterwards.
Post WO Broccoli - Berry Smoothie!!!
So I've gone from 196lbs and 19% body fat to 188 lbs and 15% body fat since August. Let me tell you, if you had any doubts about counting calories, macronutrients and adding a lot of cardio to your routine - I am proof that it works!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Week 10! Day 1
Age 35
17.5% BF - New Reading tomorrow
My goal of 185lbs set for November 7th is 3 lbs away, we shall see where I am with the body fat %.
Workout B
Front Squats:
Less of a pyramid today - 45x3 / 95x5 / 135x2 / 145x2 / 155x2
160: 5/5/5/5/5
Sweet love of God that rocked!
OHP: 45x5 / 95x2
105: 5/5/5/5/5
PR!!!!!!! Never thought I would ever bust that stall baby. Up yours 105!
Rack Pulls:
265: 1x5
Grip is getting to be a challenge.
Was getting tired.
Cardio - 30 minutes directly after lifting
Post Lifting Broccoli berry smoothie, yum.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Renaissance Week 9 Day 3
Workout A
188.8 lbs!!!!!!
17.5% BF (New reading Monday)
AGE 35 baby
I killed my goal of 190lbs. It took some doing to get past that 192.6!
yesterday was another bad staff meeting, I had one beer, Mich Ultra early. I ate my own food and stayed within limits, proud! Came home and did 6 reps of HIIT.
45x3 / 95x5 / 135x5 / 145x5 /
160: 3/4/3
I was tired this morning, that's all there is to it.
45x10 / 135x5 / 155x1
170: 5/5/4/3/3
165: 3/3/3/3/3
+37.5: 5/5/5
No cardio - had to jet, probably won't get anymore in until after lifting sunday.
Nutrition is bad today, I had no time to prepare my meals. Didn't even bring Whey!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Renaissance Week 9 Day 2
Workout B
192.6 lbs
17.5% BF
Age 35
Warmups - Leg swings and squat with 25 lb plate.
Front Squat:
Some issues with form, but I solved them. At 160 I was getting tired, chose not to do the last rep.
OHP: 45x5 / 85x5 / 95x3
105: 5/4/5/3.5/4
Need to work on getting mu elbows in front of the bar, the lift is easier with good form.
Rack Pull:
260: 1x5
30 minutes jogging
Post Lifting shake
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Renaissance Week 9 Day 1
17.5% BF
Age 35
Workout A
Front Squats:
45x5 / 95x5 / 135x5 / 140x5 / 145x5 / 150x3 / 155x2 / 150x2 / 145x2
This was a good day, and a great recovery from Friday. I had form issues last session, but today I was right on. I could have done much more, but my wife doesn't quite understand the idea that my workout times are sacred. The kids were down in the basement and I was lifting big, so I didn't want to hurt the kids PLUS, I could not concentrate. I got all pissed off and moved on to bench and my wife got an attitude and was like "why are you acting this way?" I wanted to slap her. DUH! I am fucking working out - no admittance.
Bench Press: 45x10 / 135x5 / 155x5
170: 5/5/5/4/3.5
160: 5/5/5/5/5
Dips: +35
I couldn't do HIIT because I was still full from my horrible breakfast.
I think it is funny that Kelly always called me fatty when I complained about my weight. I devote my life to improving myself, and I get attitude because I am dedicated. What does she want? I can be fat and gross, but then she wouldn't touch me. We never got intimate because I found out that I was not attractive to her anymore. Now she is the one in worse shape, but I am always affectionate. I love her, but sometimes these kids and the finances and her moderate resistance to my new lifestyle make it really hard to want to be here. I think somewhere deep down she thought that I would skip a few meals and lift weights once in a while and I would be svelt all of the sudden. Sorry honey, it takes time, dedication and hard hard work to undo 25 years of poor nutrition and inactivity.
You cannot have it both ways, if you want me to have a nice body, then you have to let me have my time and not give me attitude. Christ I am freakin' mad mad mad.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Smack Down Week 8 Day 3
Workout B - 9/5/08
192 lbs
17.5% BF
Age 35
Front Squats: 45x5 / 95x5 / 135x3
155: 2/2/2
Something went wrong with my form. I couldn't get my feet right, went down using my knees too much. I am so confused. Tried back squats, cannot get low enough. Now my left knee hurts. DONT KNOW.
I will take it easy for week 9. Maybe try some pyramid schemes.
OHP: (Slightly Redeeming): 45x5 / 85x5 / 95x3
105: 4/4/4/4/4
Rack Pull:
255: 1x5
Pull ups:
No HIIT this morning like I had planned. My knee is cause for too much concern.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Thoughts from my GUT!
I used to consume about 1500-1800 calories in one meal....and with that alcohol in that mean, that means the majority of the fat I consumed went right to my gut!
I felt like I was Sickboy in Trainspotting (Movie about heroin addiction). I was clean for so long, but that old friend came to town and wanted to party...
My mouth was happy, but the rest of me was really pissed off. For us guys it was like one night stand remorse. "Wow, she looked better in the bar". My digestive tract is now on strike and all I have to show for it is a tough day ahead of me tonight and tomorrow.
For anyone who has ever cheated on a diet, this is nothing. I feel like I have cheated on my wife for goodness sake - and it was a dumpy greasy pig, not a heavy squattin' deadlifting hottie!
Moral of the story: eat the chicken with brown rice and broccoli and fantasize about the fried wontons, your ass will thank you for it (or gut for that matter).
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Smack Down Week 8 Day 2
Workout A
age 35
around 17.5% BF
Front Squats: 45x5 / 95x5 / 135x3
150: 5/5/5/5/5
Who doggie. Makes a big difference when you go low enough. 150 was nothing when I was doing 3/4 back squats.
Bench: 45x10 / 135x5 / 155x5
170: 4/4/4/4/3
160: 4/4/4/4/4
Dips +35:
I didn't run afterwards - no time. I was late for the staff meeting today.
I am reaching a weight loss plateau - or my body has already adjusted. I am thinking of cutting out all starchy carbs for a week and seeing what that does.
Pre WO breakfast was 1 egg, 3 egg busters (like egg beaters), 2 chicken sausages, one slice of flax toast, 8 oz milk.
Post WO smoothie was 2x whey / 8oz milk / 1 banana / 1 cup quick oats. Thick and yummy.
Lunch: 6oz chicken breast - 1 cup spinach, blueberry bagel with 1 T whipped cream cheese (because I can)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Smack Down Week 8 Day 1
190.2 lbs - Just .2 away from goal 1, goal 2 185lbs.
17.5% BF New reading tomorrow
Age 35 years young
Workout B
Front Squats: 45x5 / 95x5 / 135x3
145: 5/5/5/5/5
OHP: 45x5 / 85x5 / 95x3
105: 3/3/3/3/3
Going for 5/5/5/5/5 in 2 "B" sessions.
Rack Pulls: 250: 1x5
Good Lord
6/5/5 - squeezed out that last one, that was tough.
Cardio: 30 minutes
Goal is for one lap straight through w/o stopping. I am less than half way there. The hills make the challenge.
Doing 2520 calories today. I had 4 beers last night, but still stayed at 25% under maintenance. I think I was closer to 90% clean this week, on the lower side. But I am usually 98% clean and figured that I am working hard enough to afford some "rewards". Though alcohol is probably the worst thing I can do to my body besides hard drugs, I am justifying it somehow. I am at odds with my choices only because I am so focused on perfection. I won't beat myself up too much, I lifted strong today and ran well, so I didn't harm myself too much. Besides we has a nice meal of wild salmon, grilled eggplant and yams.
--I highly recommend this combination. We seasoned the fish with Chef Paul's Seafood Magic and some old Bay. The grilled eggplant was seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic powder, crisped on foil with olive oil, then put right on the racks until browned. Yams baked with Smart Balance spray. (Kelly used butter - bless her)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Unbelieveable Week 7 Day 3
Age 35
17.5% + or - 10% HA!
Workout A
Front Squats: 45x5 / 95x5
140: 5/5/5/5/5
Bench: 45x10 / 135x5 / 155x5
165: 4/4/4 - I cannot count
170: 4/4
Should have been 170 4x5!!!!! DUH DUH DUH
160: 2/3/3/3/3
A challenge - I will work up to 5x5.
Dips +35:
Still not failing with my muscles, but I am stressing my heart rate, so I chose not to go for the last set of 10, which is my goal. Next time I will try for 10/10/5
No cardio - too late. I already had cardio on a supposed rest day.
Slam bam!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Unbelieveable Week 7 Day 2
Age 35
17.5% BF (This is up for debate)
Workout B
Front Squats: 45x5 / 95x5
135: 5/5/5/5/5
Need to get some Chuck Taylors
OHP: 45x5 / 85x5
105: 5/4/3/3
Will work up from 3x5 next time until I get to 5x5. I will yet make 105 my bitch.
Rack Pulls:
245: 1x5 Hello Nurse!
3/3/2.5 - Got higher than mast week.
Ran for 30 minutes post workout. I can still hear Rocky's Theme in my brain!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Unbelieveable Week 7 Day 1
Recovering from a date with my wife last night - great night well worth the struggle.
age 35
192.4 lbs
17.5 % BF
Workout A
Front Squat: 45x5 / 95x5
130: 5/5/5/5/5
Bench Press: 45x10 / 135x5 / 155x5
170: 3/3/3/3/3
Thanks Cleave - great advice.
Row: 155: 5/5/5/5/5
Dips: +35
I tried running after my workout, but my heart rate was odd, so I decided to take it easy. Probably the wine and late night last night.
I am sure it will be better tomorrow.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Awesome Week 6 Day 3
Age 35
192.4lbs !!
17.2% BF (accumeasure)
4:00am - Breakfast:
2 eggs over-medium, cooked in EVOO. 1/2 slice real amercian cheese. slice of toasted Flax and Fiber bread. 8oz skim milk.
5-6 AM:
Workout B
Front Squats: 45x3 / 65x5 / 95x5
125: 5/5/5/5/5
OHP: 45x5 / 85x5
100: 5/5/5/5/5
Tied my PR from back in May - not been able to do 5x5 at 100lbs. Maxed at 105 for 2 sets of 4 and 5 respectively.
Rack Pull:
240lbs: 1x5
Chins: 5/5/5 (bodyweight)
Cardio: Nordic Track / Calisthenics (J. Jacks) / Jogging: 30 minutes at 65-70%
Post workout smoothie:
2X EAS Chocolate Whey. I bought this out of Convenience, though I prefer the ON Double Rich Chocolate.
8oz Skim
approx 8oz water
1 cup broccoli
1 cup strawberries
3/4 cup Life Cereal
As a treat I added Life Cereal instead of my usual Quick oats. No big whoop, will stick with oats.
Things going well. My goals are well within reach now.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Awesome Week 6 Day 2
age 35
17.5% BF (According to the accumeasure with only one place to pinch! My wife disputes this, I guess the realist's opinion keeps me motivated)
Workout A
FR. Squats: 45x5 / 65x3
95: 5/5/5/5/5
Bench: 45x10 / 135x5
155: 6/6/5/5/4
145: 5/5/5/5/5
Dips +35:
5/5 - whew!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Awesome Week 6
BF: 19.2 % - new reading tomorrow
FR. Squats: 45x5/ 95x5
120: 5/5/5/5/5
Going to drop to 75 and work on form.
OHP: 45x5/65x5
75: 5/5/5/5/5
85: 1x5
Going to work on form
Rack Pulls:
235: 1x5
Pulls: (BW)
Reverse crunches: 10/5 - 30lb counterweight
30 minutes cardio (HIIT) low grade
This is the week baby. Week 2 of 2300 kcals 40-40-20
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sweet Week 5 Day 3
Age 35
196 lbs
19.2% BF (I see it dropping!)
Workout A
Squats (Breaking Parallel!!!!) 45x5 / 95x5
115: 5/5/2/5/5 - I lost form mid way and felt a twinge in my back. I rested for a few minutes and focused on correct form and kicked the other 10 reps out like nothing.
Bench Press: 45x10 / 95x5 / 135x3
170: 5/2 - I think that my 2300 cal diet is working against lifting this heavy. I am taking UKDude's advice and deloading, while increasing reps and working on bar speed.
160: 5/5/5 - Will Drop to 155 for next one.
Barbell Rows:
Dropped down to 135 so I can work on speed and high reps, though not this time.
135: 5/5/5/5/5 (Was supposed to be 155)
Bodyweight: 10/10/10
Cardio: 15 minutes HIIT (Running at about 70%, walking)
Post workout meal: 2x ON Whey, Water, 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 banana, ice. Blend and drink. Cannot taste the broccoli.
I am noticing a drop in body fat. My face is getting more defined at my cheecks. My arms are starting to show big veins and I actually feel leaner. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle has really made an impact on me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sweet Week 5 Day 2
Age 35
19.2% BF
158lbs LBM
Workout B - 5:00AM
Front Squats: 45x3/65x5/95x2
110: 5/5/5/5/5
OHP: 45x5/65x2/95x2
100: 5/5/4/2/0
That sucked, I must have been tired, though I got enough sleep. Perhaps it is because I only had a whey shake and needed more energy. I cannot get up at 3:30 so that I can eat 1-1 1/2 hours before lifting! Even an hour is too much.
Rack Pulls:
230: 1x5
Chin ups: 5/5/3
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sweet Week 5 Day 1
Workout "A"
Age 35
19-21% BF (New Readings will be taken once per week on Monday mornings.
Front Squats: 45x3 / 65x5
Reaching Parallel, broke once!
Bench Press: 45x5 / 135x5
170 - 5/5/4/3/2
Still a bastard. Next "A" will be better. I am recovering from a party yesterday. Only 3 beers and some junk food, but wow does it screw up my performance.
155: 5/5/5/5/5
Dips +30: 10/10/10
Reverse Crunches: 9/5/4
HIIT: 11 minutes
Thursday, August 7, 2008
BadAss Week 4 Day 3
Workout B
Age 35
19-21% BF ?
Front Squats: 45x3 / 95x8
100: 5/5/5/5/5
Felt good to reach parallel. I have to work on my grip, I wimped out and used that cross grip because I cannot get my hands/elbows right.
95: 5/5/5/5/5
Got better form on these, I can grip it almost right and it actually felt like an easier lift. I only got 4 on my last rep the last time I did these, so it was great to complete a full set. WIsh me luck on 100, which is my stall weight.
Rack Pulls:
225: 1x5
Is it OK that the bar is about 1.5 inches above my knees? I have no lower pin.
I couldn't do 1 when I started!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Badass Week 4 Day 2
Workout A - modified
Age 35
19-21% BF
Squats: I thought I was at a better flexibility place considering this weekend, but I have more to go. I did front quats because I miss that burn.
Front Squats:
95: 5/5/5/5/5
Bench Press: 45x5/ 135x5
170: 5/5/5/5/3
170lbs still remains my nemesis!
Barbell Row:
150: 5/5/5/5/5 - Baby I am back!
+30 lbs: 10/10/5 - My punk ass should have been able to bang out the last 5!
Reverse crunches: 10: starting light until I am sure about form.
Post workout Broccoli-Berry Smoothie, yum!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Bad ass Week 4 Day 1 (Sunday)
This was a day of intense yard work. We trimmed our big maple and oak trees. We've gotten a good deal of fire wood collected for this winter, though it will only last a month, if that.
My diet on Sunday was clean (except for the alcohol and white enriched hot dog buns).
Anyway - I was able to squat down, ass to grass and pick up the logs, driving up from the heels. I have never been so excited to pick up wood before! My wife noticed it and even she made a comment. Thanks Mehdi, your hip mobility exercises have made vast improvements in my overall flexibility. I will be happy to get back to squats tomorrow.
We went to the beach for a volleyball tournament that my company is a sponsor of. I drank beer, rum and coke and ate 2 cheese burgers and a hot dog. Only one bun. Oh, plus a bag of chips. Overall, with my job my weekends are difficult to keep clean, but I think on average I am only messing up 2-3 meals, so I am still within a good clean eating percentage.
After the beach I went on a short hike exploring some trails near my house. I think this will be my post training cardio once per week, with HIIT keeping up the rear once per week as well.
We shall see, but it is all looking good so far!
Friday, August 1, 2008
New Challenge Week 3 Day 3
Body fat seems to be between 19-21% (STILL)
Age 35
Hip mobility drils
OHP: 45x5 / 65x5
95: 5/5/5/5/4
My breathing was off for the last set and I couldn't complete the last rep. Next time I will nail it, otherwise, back to 85.
Rack Pulls:
220lbs 1x5
Chins: (Bodyweight)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
New Challenge: Week 3 Day 2
Bench Press: 45x5 135x5
165: 5/5/5/5/5
145: 5/5/5/5/5
No Dips! I was so damn tired because of not enough sleep. I will have to make this up during the rest of the week. I am angry at myself, but even with a good breakfast, I still lacked the energy for the +30lbs dips.
Sorry Scott, I let you down. (It is odd typing to myself!)
On an up note, my diet seems to be working OK. I am getting around 3200 calories with my macros at around 40/30/30, give or take.
I am at odds with a lot of people who believe in a calorie deficit. I do too, but I think it should be gained through exercise and not under eating.
Monday, July 28, 2008
New Challenge Week 3 Day 1
Age 35
19-20 % BF
Hip Mobility Drills - getting more flexibility. I can get lower when squat stretching. I still require effort and cannot go down without holding on, but it is working. Like everything, slowly but consistently.
OHP: 45x5/ 65x5
90lbs: 5/5/5/5/5
Rack Pulls: 45x5 warmup, form check.
215: 1x5 - felt good. One more session at 215 and then I will add 5lbs.
Pull ups: (I have a headache this morning, so each set intensifies the pain)
2/3/1 - not bad considering.
Again - no beer/alcohol this week. Not even at Volleyball. NONE. I notice a sluggishness in the morning even after a night of only 2-3 beers. My Irish heritage is working against me right now, I must prevail!!!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Starting Over Week 2 Day 3
Age 35
19-20% BF
Modified 5x5 Continues...
Lazy today, no hip drills, but I have done well all week, so I am OK with it.
OHP: 45x5, 65x5
85: 5/5/5/5/5 Easy
I am excited. I will pass my plateau of 105 real soon!
Rack Pull: Warmed up with some low weight deadlifts.
215: 1x5
Chins: 3
Lazy again. Tried barbell curls. 45x5 / 65: 5/5/5.
I will stick with chins, curls suck.
So Now I know I have to cut out the beer. I have one or two each evening after work on average. I know that this is hurting me in many ways, so as of Monday, no more. Week 3 will be dry (except for the weekends!)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Starting Over Week 2 Day 2
age 35
19-20% BF
Squats - Hip Mobility Drills 1x10
Bench Press: 45x5, 135x5
160: 5/5/5/4/5
Lost my grip on 4, screwed up my momentum.
140: 5/5/5/5/5
+30lbs: 10/10/
Tried the Post workout smoothie from mehdi's atricle, pretty good....AND it has broccoli in it.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Starting Over Week 2 Day 1
Age 35
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 195
BF 19-20%
Workout B, Modified
Squats: Only Hip Mobility drills, All drills 1x10
OHP: 45x5, 65x5
75: 5/5/5/5/5
Rack Pulls (Sub for DLs)
210: 1x5
Pull ups: 3/2/3 - bodyweight.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Buy online through my Site
Anyway - go to my site:
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At the very least it is a good way to save money on online purchases.
Starting Over Week 1 Day 3
BF 20%
Week 1 Day 3
Hip Mobility Exercises
Bench Press: WMUP 45lbs 1x5 / 95lbs 1x5
145lbs - 5/5/5/5/5
135 - 5/5/5/5/5
Dips - +20lbs
Starting Over Week 1 Day 2
BF 20%
7/16/08 - Week 1 Day 2
I did Hip Mobility exercises because I am sick of not getting low enough on squats. I will resume squats when I reach parallel.
OHP: 45lbs x 5 Warm up
65: 5/5/5/5/5
Rack Pulls-
135 1x5
Chin ups: BW - 4/4/2
Monday, July 14, 2008
Starting Over Week 1
BF - 21%
4:30am - Whey+Skim (2 scoops, 1 Cup)
4:45am: Go Time
Squats - Leg swings and squat stretches, arm dislocations, not even close to parallel.
Bar - 6
95lbs - 5
115lbs - 5/5/4
Easing into these since the injury. Felt good, but I have to work on my hip flexibility AGAIN!!!!!
Bench Press:
Bar - 5
95 - 5
135 - 5/5/5/5/5
Inverted Row:
BW - 5/5/5/5/5
BW - 10/10
Breakfast - 3oz Ground Round, 3/4 cup spinach, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup Quinoa. Orange Juice. Water
Rock on baby. On the road to success again!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
One step backwards - 2 Steps forward.
For this week, what would have been week 13 of SL 5x5 Beginner I, I am resting and keeping iced and heated. My future is certain, and I am thankful especially that Mehdi has been posting alternative exercises.
So when I start back next week my sessions will look like this:
Workout A:
Body weight squats - 5x5. Stretching as far as I can comfortably go.
Bench press - only a slight deload to 150. 5x5
Inverted Row - bodyweight 5x5.
Dips - bodyweight. I was at +30 lbs in a rucksack, but I will play it safe for a while.
Workout B:
Bodyweight squats - 5x5
Seated overhead press. Starting back with the bar and not progressing past 65lbs as a first guess. We'll see. Once I can reintroduce OHP, I will start again with the bar and work back to 105 where I left off.
Chin ups & Pull Ups.
There will be no deadlifts or rackpulls until I am confident that my injury is healed. This can take up to 2 months.
I cannot run yet, so I may simply walk before or after lifting.
This is what I have planned, all the while maintaining my diet.
On another positive note, my bloodwork came back with stellar numbers. LDL, HDL, triglycerides and other numbers were perfect.
Suggestions and comments welcomed.
Thanks - Scott
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Week 12 Day 2
Workout A
35 years old
Decided to do BF% and pics next week.
Box Squats:
140 - 5/5/5/5/5
Bench Press:
165 - 5/5/5/5/5
Barbell Row:
155 - 5/5/5/5/5 (Last one was tough!)
Dips +30lbs
Worked up a mighty sweat tonight!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
New Goals
By September 1st I will weigh At least 190lbs.
By September 1st I will have less than 18% body fat.
By September 1st I will be squatting 300lbs.
By September 1st I will bench press my body weight.
By September 1st I will OHP 125 lbs.
These goals are attainable, these goals are possible, these goals shall be met!!!!!!
Next level, here I come!!!!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Week 12 Day 1
Plenty of energy tonight, although I was not getting into heavy stuff tonight, I knew I could lift every weight, the only PR was the deadlift.
196 lbs - plateau
age 35
once I can get a BF reading and progress pic I'll be happy.
Workout B
***All appropriate warm ups accomplished - I may start flexibility and soft tissue work on my rest days***
135 Box - 5/5/5/5/5
95 - 5/5/5/5/5
205 - 1x5
Chins: bodyweight
Felt good but I need to reach the next level.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Week 11 Day 3
May 30, 2008
Workout B
Age 35
Weight 196lbs (200lbs this morning)
Height - 5'7"
This morning was a real bastard - I think that I have not been getting enough sleep.
Breakfast was a bowl of Heart Essentials with the baby.
All exercises are preceded by adequate warm ups.
Squats (Box, 1" above parallel - I am using this technique to get below parallel, one mm at a time)
130 - 5/5/5/5/5
OHP - Boy, I cannot catch a break today.
105 - 4, stall
100 - 5/4/stall
95 - 5/5
Next "B" workout I will deload to 85 and work back up. I have to take this to the next level and up my nutrition intake.
Deadlift - 200lbs 1x5
Pull ups- pathetic!
Bodyweight - 2/2
Monday's goal is Workout A-
Squat - 135 box squats
Bench Press - 165 (170 was a stall, I will stay at 165 this week)
Barbell Row - 155lbs
Chinups - I want to do 4/4/4.
Let's eat this weekend and prepare for the next level!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Week 11 Day 2
I couldn't lift until 4:00pm. My energy was not right - for many annoying reasons.
Week 11 Day 2
Workout A
Age 35
I should get a BF% reading and a picture soon, I am noticing a difference.
Squats - I tried box squats and must say that they appeal to me. I will have to work my way to parallel, but I am only about an inch off!
125 - 5/5/5/5/5
Bench Press -
170 - 4/3
Deloaded to 165 - 5/2
Not happy with that performance.
Barbell Rows - Current Favorite
150 - 5/5/5/5/5
Dips +30 5
Bodyweight - 10/5
Not happy at all - but at least i lifted. This Friday will be better.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Looking back at the first 10 Weeks
First I would like to start with the tip of my hat to the Stronglifts people:Mehdi, JDurando, Guni, YA, Elisa, Kevinfar - oh, you guys know who you are. I have followed your guidance and you've responded quite nicely to my frequent redundant questions and general whining. I thank you. Mehdi - you've created a great virtual gym - I say that because you have surpassed the blogsphere.
Stronglifts is not an easy regiment for someone as inflexible as I am. But it has made a big difference. If there is any one piece of advice I could give to a beginner or someone who has been lifting for years: make sure you have correct form. All the weight in the world does you no good if you lift it improperly. I have been slow to make progress, but this has taught me patience - something I have very little experience with.
The first 5 weeks of eating clean and weight lifting + cardio really showed in the way my clothes fit. This gave me more confidence and has improved my life. I found it easy to cheat on my form, but I paid the price. I sucked it up and deloaded and worked properly. This is a must do, and it is not news to anyone on this form. Everyone knows about form, but there are some of us who say "that's close enough" and count a rep. NO NO NO! I am lifting with a back injury that I've had for years and I have been lucky not to hurt myself again. I could have, but I read these posts in here and they showed me the light.
I have three kids under the age of five, the youngest 1. It is hard sometimes to get my lifting completed, and cardio almost never happens anymore. Either the kids, my wife or I am sick. There is something going on which gets in the way, but I almost ALWAYS get it done. Even if I have to lift at 10pm, it gets done. I learned this attitude here. If there is anyone who feels that this forum is for newbies only, open your eyes, swallow your pride and heed the advice of some people who may know better than you.
I hear arguments which defy the teachings here, but I know that they are false and mythical. I look up Mehdi's articles and research them myself and they are correct. Some of them are on the line between two different philosophies sometimes, but the facts are fact.
Anyway - I thank you as I have made incredible progress, and can be considered one of the poster children for the success of this site if only for the motivation. Motivation is 90% of this in my opinion. I used to just lay around when I had the time (and I still like that!) but now I'd rather be healthy and exercise.
Cheers and onto the next 10 weeks.
Week 11 Day 1
Week 11 Day 1
Workout B
Height - 5'7"
Weight - 196lbs
Age 35
BF - Close to 21% - I am not happy with my regiment right now, so I will wait until I get regular before taking another reading.
Squats - Fixed my grip and closed it up so my shoulders are tighter - makes a big difference. Still not reaching parallel, but I am working on it.
125lbs - 5/5/5/5/5
OHP - Concentrating on getting my elbows under the bar. My lack of flexibility makes it tough, but the lifts are easier when I do.
100 - Same as last week - 5/5/5/5/5
Deadlifts -
195lbs - 1x5
Chin ups - 4/4/4 at bodyweight.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Week 10 Day 2
Week 10 Day 2
Height: 5'7"
Weight 196.8
Age 35
New BF% next week - I need to step to the next level and add HIIT into my life. This transition to a new job has screwed my schedule into the wall.
Squats - Standard warm ups.
115 - 5x5 Not parallel, getting close.
OHP - Standard Warm up
100 - 5x5 - Last set was nice...easier than I thought.
190 - 1x5
Pulls - 3/3 - Hey now.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Week 10 Day 1
Week 10 Day 1
Age 35
197.6 lbs
BF% - 23.4 last reading was a few weeks ago, I must recheck this.
Squats - The usual flex problems -
115 - 5x5
Bench press:
165 5x5 - I passed my previous stall - Screw you 165!!!!
145 5x5 - Felt good.
Dips + 30
10/10 - ran out of time for the 3rd set!
I need more time in the day and more calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Week 9 Days 2 and 3
Squats - I am staying at 115, I cannot improve my hip flexibility...I have tried, but my body was never hip flexible.
OHP - 95lbs 5x5
Deadlift - 180lbs
Chinups - 3/3/3
Day 3
Squats - 115 5x5 (not reaching parallel)
Bench 160 - 5x5 (F-You 160!)
Row 140
Dips +30 10/10/10 Bam!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Week 9 Day 1
Workout A
Squats - Working on my form and flexibility.
95lbs - 5/5/5/3/0
Getting lower, but not yet to parallel.
Bench Press - 45x5 / 135 x 2
155 - 5/5/5/5/5
Row -
135 - 5/5/5/5/5
Dips - bodyweight + 30lbs
Good Day - diet is a mess because of new schedule.
Week 8 Day 3
Squats - I worked on flexibility and form.
95 - 3/3/3/3/3
Bench Press:
45x5 / 135x2
150 - 5/5/5/5/5
Finally it was easy.
125 - 5/5/5/5/5
Dips - +25
Better - I want my squats back!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Week 8 Day 2
199.6 lbs
23.8% BF
Age 35
Squats - 95 x 3 / 135x3 / 185x1 / 200x1
205 - 5/5/0/0/0 !!!!!!
I recorded my first two sets and realized that I am not even reaching parallel, let alone breaking it. I have to deload and work on form. PLUS I have to do some major flexibility drills because I thought I was going really deep and I am not. I also have thorasic inflexibility which is hindering correct form on OHP!
OHP - 45x5 / 65x5 /
90 - 5/5/5/5/5
Deadlift - 180lbs 1x5
Pulls - Bodyweight - 2.75 / 1
When will I actually get somewhere with my pull ups?
SO my question to the experts - how long should it take me to be flexible enough to reach and then break parallel? I am really UNflexible.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Week 8 Day 1
23.4% BF
Age 35
Workout A - I was tired today, which really screwed me up. I went back to sleep after I took Abby to Daycare, and did OK when I lifted, but I stalled on Bench Press, at a lighter weight than when I first stalled. I am going to chalk it up as a fluke and nothing more. Perhaps Friday will be fine, although I will repeat the 150 and hope I don't stall. I also fear that my diet is causing my barriers. I need to eat more. I should also add cardio again. I have been trying to get my schedule back together since the job change and I also have to cut out alcohol entirely for one week and see what happens.
Squats - 95 x 3 / 135 x 3 / 185 x 1
200lbs - 5/5/5/5/5
Bench Press - 45x5 / 135x3
150 - 5/5/5/5/3
Try again Friday!
Barbell Rows:
120 - 5/5/5/5/5
Dips: Bodyweight + 20lbs
I was rushed to get to work, so I could have done that better.
Question - would not eating enough calories in a day (too big a deficit) make me plateau?
Friday, May 2, 2008
Week 7 Day 3
Beginner I
Workout B
Age 35
23.4% BF (New Reading!)
Squats - 95x3 / 135x3 / 185x1
195lbs. - 5x5
OHP - 45x3 / 65x3
85lbs. - 5x5
Better than before, elbows in front of the bar - felt better today.
Deadlift -
170lbs. 1x5
Chins - bodyweight
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Week 7 Day 2
24.4% BF
Age 35
Workout A
Squats: 95x3 / 135x3
190 - 5X5
Bench - 45x5 / 95x3 / 135x3
145 - 5X5
Rows -
115 - 5X5
Dips -
Bodyweight + 15lbs: 10/10
+20 - 5/5
Oh yeah!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Week 7 Day 1
Age 35
Squats: 95x3 / 135x3
185 - 5/5/5/5/5
OHP - 45x3 / 65x3
80 - 5/5/5/5/5
Deadlift -
165 - 1x5
Pulls: Bodyweight
Friday, April 25, 2008
Week 6 Day 3 Finally!
April 25, 2008
24.4% BF
Age 35
Workout B
Squats: 95x3 / 135x3
180lbs - 5x5
OHP - 45x5 / 65x3
95 - 5/4/
Stalling again have to deload to 80lbs for monday.
160lbs 1x5
Pulls - bodyweight
Feels good to get this week done.
It was hard, but the kids cooperated and I am 17lbs from bodyweight squats.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Week 6 Day 2 (New)
24.4% BF
Workout A
Squats: - 95x3 / 135x3
175 - 5x5
Form has improved
Bench Press - 45x3 / 95x2 / 135x2
160 - 5/5/5/3/0
3rd stall - reducing to 145 next session A
Row: - 95x3
110 - 5x5
Dips: BW+15lbs
Loving it again.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Week 6 Day 1 (New and Improved)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Week 6 Day 2
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Week 6 Day 1
Don't like working out at the end of the day.
Re-did the same weight from Friday (the day I was FIRED!)
My life is a mess right now - cannot accept a great job because of three kids in daycare. Can't make the numbers work.Looks like I will be home with the kids. There goes my great exercise schedule - right out of the window!
Squats: 45x5 / 95x3 / 135x3
165 - 5x5
Bench: 45x5 / 95x3 / 135x3
160 - 5/5/5/5/4 (Total stall on 5 of 5 - had to drop on safety - I only got my right side back up on the hook. I will try this weight one more time then I will deload if I cannot.
105 - 5x5
Dips (+15)
Post WO was a double whey shake, but half milk/half water.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
What is the right Physique?
- Up at 4:30
- Getting ready
- Glass of water
- stretches
- Whey Shake with water
- Getting the family ready for the day
Week 5 Day 2 4/9/08

2 week progress photo
I realized today that I should switch the schedule around and work more on the B workout.
Age 35
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 200lbs
Body Fat# 24.5% (This is based on the sup. reading as recommended by the accumeasure.)
Squats: 115x2 / 135x2 / 145x1 / 155x1
160: 5/5/5/5/5
Press: 45x3 / 65x1 / 85x1
95: 5/5/5/4/5 - I stalled on the 5th of 4, I guess I was tiring, but came back for a full 5th set.
150lbs 1x5 (I Love these)
All in all good morning.
Will do 20 minutes of HIIT in about 1 hour.